Saint Kitts and Nevis Continues to be a Trendsetter in Citizenship By Investment Programs
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Saint Kitts and Nevis Continues to be a Trendsetter in Citizenship By Investment Programs

St. Kitts and Nevis Continues to be a Trendsetter in Citizenship By Investment Programs:-

Saint Kitts and Nevis has earned global recognition as having the oldest citizenship-by-investment program which was established in 1984. Several countries have since followed the lead of Saint Kitts and Nevis in offering second citizenship by investment including  Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, Grenada, Dominica, and Vanuatu. Notwithstanding, Saint Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Program continue to maintain its place as a trendsetter and a platinum standard bearer in the dual citizenship industry not only through its creative affordable, competitive, and best-value citizenship options but also through the quick and efficient processing of applications.

Processing of an application takes on average 90 days from the date of submission and in many instances, a decision is given within a shorter period. In some cases, and for various reasons, applicants may need an even quicker decision and in response to this, Saint Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Program offers a 60-day Accelerated Process. It is the only Caribbean Citizenship by Investment Program that offers a pathway for an expedited decision on an application.

The Program allows an investor to not only apply for citizenship for himself or herself in an application but to include a wide range of dependents including children whether biological or adopted, parents, parents-in-law, grandparents and more recently the list has been extended to include siblings. The inherent flexibility of this Program also permits persons who have obtained citizenship by investment to apply for other family members by merely re-opening their applications and including them as if they had been included in the original application. It also permits non-blood relatives to act as financial sponsors for persons who wish to apply for citizenship but who do not have sufficient resources of their own to do so.

The Program is dynamic and continues to respond to the changing global environment which impacts not only investors but also the Government and People of Saint Kitts and Nevis. It is within this context that the Citizenship by Investment Unit responds meaningfully by offering both new great value options and extending limited-time offers for citizenship.  

The Newest Citizenship by Investment Option:-

CCS has observed that since the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic, investors are continuing to express a greater interest in relocating to the Caribbean. There is no doubt that the beauty and the weather of the islands make them highly attractive. Their ability to easily close their borders has helped the islands to better manage the pandemic. The number of Covid cases in Saint Kitts and Nevis, for example, remains very low at below 50 with no deaths.

In April 2021, St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Unit announced a new option through which an investor could apply for citizenship, namely, “The Sale of Private Homes:” This is a Limited Time Offer until 1st November 2022.

This new option is a very attractive offer as it allows investors to purchase homes as the qualifying investment for citizenship. Upon obtaining citizenship, investors and their families can readily relocate to Saint Kitts and Nevis, move into their new homes and enjoy all the benefits that citizenship offers. The property can also be rented and become an income-generating asset if the investor decides not to use it for his or her personal use. A property purchased under this option must be held by the investor for a minimum of 5 years and thereafter can be sold. The investor can therefore easily recoup his qualifying investment for citizenship.

Under this option, the home being purchased must have an appraised value of over $400,000 excluding the land. The property whether or not it is a single-family home or an apartment building shall be sold to one investor. Full ownership of the property will be legally transferred to the investor and a Certificate of Title duly registered in the Land Registry will be issued in the name of the investor.

Other Options for Applying for Citizenship

Saint Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Program also offer investors the opportunity to apply for citizenship through the Limited Time Offer Sustainable Growth Fund which ends on 31st December 2021 under which a single person or a family of up to four persons is only required to invest $150,000. 

The other option for applying for citizenship is Real Estate where the required investment amount is $200,000 irrespective of the size of the family.  An investor, therefore, has various options to choose from when deciding to apply for citizenship. Irrespective of the option chosen, the process remains the same.

Contact Us Today for a Complimentary Consultation:-

If you are thinking of applying for citizenship for yourself or your loved ones and would like to discuss your options, please contact us today for a Complimentary Consultation with one of our immigration experts.

Citizenship and Corporate Services (CCS) is a reputable immigration company with over 35 years of Caribbean and other immigration experience. Our Caribbean Offices are staffed by highly trained and experienced Caribbean nationals. We are licensed as a Local Agent by the Government of Saint Kitts and Nevis which authorizes us to advise clients and submit their applications directly to the Citizenship by Investment Unit without having to work through any intermediaries or third parties. CCS has the added advantage of having its law firm in Saint Kitts and Nevis provide representation to our clients in the country as and when required. Our service is seamless. There is no need to travel to Saint Kitts and Nevis in respect of any part of your application process. Our capable staff will take care of the entire process from submitting your application to couriering your passport. Call us today.

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