Caribbean Citizenship Which Citizenship Program Suits You Best?

Depending on your personal wants, requirements, and family status, we can advise you on the most suitable program. There are a multitude of choices, and every Caribbean option has its own advantages. Choose what's most important to you from the options below, to help you decide on the best citizenship program.

Cost Effective
Best value for family
Visa-free travel
A Route to China

Find a programme tailored to your needs

St. Lucia
  • Processing Time: 4+ Months
  • Minimum Contribution: $240,000
  • Free Travel: UK, Hong Kong, Schenghen Area, Singapore
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  • Processing Time: 4+ Months
  • Minimum Contribution: $230,000
  • Free Travel: UK, Hong Kong, Schenghen Area, Singapore
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  • Processing Time: 4+ Months
  • Minimum Contribution: $200,000
  • Free Travel: Hong Kong, Schenghen Area, Singapore
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  • Processing Time: 4+ Months
  • Minimum Contribution: $235,000
  • Free Travel: UK, Hong Kong, Schenghen Area, Singapore
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St. Kitts
  • Processing Time: 4+ Months
  • Minimum Contribution: $250,000
  • Free Travel: 150+ Countries Visa-free Travel
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  • Processing Time: 2+ Months
  • Minimum Contribution: $130,000
  • Free Travel: 100+ Countries Visa-free Travel
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  • Processing Time: 4+ Months
  • Minimum Contribution: $400,000
  • Free Travel: Singapore, Japan, Brazil, Morocco
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Compare Caribbean Citizenship Programs

Based on your individual needs, family requirements, and business objectives, our citizenship by investment experts can guide you to a second passport program that is perfectly suited for you. Investment plans are available from USD 100,000 and on average an individual application process takes approximately 3-6 months to be completed, depending on the option and country chosen. If you would like to know more about the citizenship by investment programs that we offer, get in touch with our citizenship advisors.

Antigua &



St. Lucia

St. Kitts &

Visa-free countries 153 137 143 148 157 94
Passport Ranking 26 31 32 30 23 58
Passport obtaining
3+ Months 4+ Months 3+ Months 3+ Months 3+ Months 2+ Months
Fund contributions $230,000 $235,000 $200,000 $240,000 $250,000 $130,000
Limited Budget Yes No Yes Yes No No
agreements with China
No Yes Yes No No No
Accelerated processing No No No No No No
Expedited issuance of
No No Yes No No No
Find out more about CCS Caribbean L.L.C., who we are, & how we can support you in our latest corporate brochure.

Citizenship Program Application Process

Your Image
3 - 4  weeks
  • Initial consultation with CCS immigration advisers
  • Prepare documents
Your Image
Processing Time
12 - 16  weeks
  • Submit application
  • CIU processing of the application
  • Receive approval
Your Image
Post Approval Procedure
4 - 6  weeks
  • Complete investment
  • Certificate of registration and passport issuance
  • Acquire a passport in 4+ months.
Frequently Asked Questions

Eligibility requirements vary by programme. Investors are typically required to be at least 18 years of age, have a clean criminal record, legal source of funds and minimum of $100,000USD to invest.

Citizenship and Corporate services has an exemplary approval rate and takes all precautious to guarantee the success of an application, from preliminary screening, suggestions of alternatives based on client limitations and explanation of any risks involved. However, it is not possible for any firm or authorised agent to guarantee the success of an application as the final decision is that of the government and their individual investment unit.

The CBI government bodies recognise a spouse as an individual of opposite sex to the main applicant or principal investor; a couple must be married. Common law partners and same-sex couples are not yet recognised and may apply separately or be sponsored in a separate application in relevant jurisdictions.

Eligible dependents vary by programme but can include the children, spouse, parents, grandparents, and siblings of both the main applicant and spouse.

Each programme has different documentation requirements. Copies or originals of birth certificates, police records, photo ID, proof of address and reference letters are some documents that will be included in the application alongside mandatory government forms prepared by Citizenship and Corporate Services.

All Caribbean Citizenship by Investment territories recognise dual citizenship, and as such, have no requirement for the investor to renounce their citizenship by birth to obtain dual citizenship.

The due diligence process verifies the applicant’s document profile and evidence provided against regional and international databases. Citizenship by Investment Units work alongside dedicated due diligence firms to screen clients against sanctions lists, anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism registers, and confirm the declared financial records and personal accounts.

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